Saturday, April 5, 2008

Be an animal lifegaurd

We all know that we should take care of animals, but how come nobody cares? We just go to McDonald's and grab chicken nuggets we never think it is something dead that we eat. We must also remember they are our brothers(sort of). They have rights, we can't just make them food or slaves. Think, if they weren't there then we wouldn't be there. We are killing our ancestors. Do you know how many cows are killed for leather? Do you know whales are killed for shoe polish and lipstick? Do you know how many elephants are killed for their tusks? Think if you were the animals and the animals were you would you like it? Maybe early men used animals for food but now we are civilized so we don't need to act early men. Open your mind to the world around we are not the only ones, learn to share our earth. We are scared of ghosts as they kill us we are the animals' ghost. So think about it, think again!

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